- What do you mean by stereo isomerism ?
- What do you mean by coordination compound? let explain isomerism in coordination compound.
- Let explain classification about ligands ?
- Give postulates of crystal field theory? on the basis of it let explain when will be high spin complex perform.
- Let explain canizarro reaction and aldol condensation?
- What do you mean by Gibbs free energy? give relation related to electrode potential and Gibbs free energy.
- Write Nernst equation?
- What is electrode potential ?
- Give reactions-
- Swartz reaction
- Frinklestein reaction, Lucas test,Gabriel pthallamide reaction
sir , Iam prepraing for IAS and my main sub. is chem. and not even the single institute offers a coaching in chem.Would you please guide me for the prepeation.Please help me I don't have any guidence. Please...